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Our, eh-hem, "schedule"

by - 1:12 PM

Our most recent "PJ Day"...the day Sandy hit...boys are
playing in their tent made from a pop-up table and blankets
Recently a good friend of mine asked me what we do here all day.  I think I quoted her in my last blog post.  She feels what I think a LOT of mommies feel (myself included) and that is that sometimes when you're home all day, especially when the weather is less than favorable, you feel like you just sit around all day.  Then you feel guilty because you didn't entertain your child(ren) all day.

First, let me say in my opinion, sometimes sitting around all day is just fine!  Sometimes we have designated PJ days here.  Being a PJ day in itself makes it fun for the boys because it's something we don't do every day.  These are days when we know we have nowhere to go and the weather is awful (we had a PJ day on the day the hurricane hit).  A PJ day usually involves pancakes for breakfast, a tent in the living room, movies, and (gasp!) Ipad or LeapPad games.  Let me clarify, that when I say Ipad or LeapPad games, I usually keep this limited to what I consider fun, educational-in-some-way apps and games.  I'll post later on some of my favorite educational apps for your i-whatever you might have. 

Like most parents, I feel like if I would allow my kids sit in front of a TV all day, they probably would.  Especially when it's not exactly warm and sunny out! And wow, wouldn't that be easy!  But really, it's not as hard as you may think to keep your kids busy in some way or another during the day. Sometimes, you do just need a break, and that's why I love DVR'd movies. 

I have to admit that I was really worried about what I would do when most of our day didn't involve riding bikes, swinging, playing in the sand box, and swimming.  So, I asked a teacher friend of mine what she did with her kids when she was a SAHM.  She said, "You know exactly what to do.  What would you do with your students?"  So, that led me to one of my favorite things...books.  So first, let me tell you a little bit about our "schedule" and then I'll get back to books later.

Here's a "schedule" of what our day looks like.  I put schedule in quotes, because this is just a rough idea.  It's not exact.  I certainly don't watch a clock all day, except for to know when to take Snip to school and pick him up.  So this is rough, just to show that it's more of a routine than a schedule.  And this is what I do, is it perfect or what everyone should do?  Absolutely not...I'm just sharing, and maybe you'll get an idea, if you're looking for one!

7:30 ~ Wake up, cuddly time in bed, usually have a "toonie" on, but don't really watch it! 
8:00 ~ Up, change baby, downstairs, breakfast for everyone. (my breakfast comes later)
8:30 ~ Change clothes, brush teeth and hair, shoes, coats, (backpack for Snip)
8:50 ~ Load three boys up and take Snip to preschool
9:05 - 11:55 ~ Snail and Puppy home with Mumma
           This time starts out with me eating my breakfast, which is usually a bowl of cereal that ends up turning to mush, and coffee that is usually ice cold by the time I finish it.  During this time, Snail does some quiet, independent play.  This is because I usually check email, check Facebook, respond to messages, edit photos while I am attempting to eat breakfast.  The Puppy usually jumps in his exersaucer or Johnny Jump-Up, or plays with toys on the office floor during this time.  Snail's independent time consists of playing with cars, trains, his Batcave, coloring, painting, Play-Doh, etc.  This is usually for about 45 min.  After about 45 min, the Puppy is ready for his morning nap.  While he naps, Snail and I usually read books or play a game.  The Puppy usually sleeps for about 1/2 hour -45 min in the mornings.  When the Puppyg gets up, he's ready to eat, so Snail has to pick a fruit out for him.  I feed the Puppy while Snail usually watches a toonie (usually a 20 min. dvr'd Batman cartoon).  When the Puppy is done eating, he plays in the living room with his toys and most recently, crawls all over the living room.   This is usually time for me and Snail to do a chore or two.  He helps me wash dishes, load and unload laundry, water a plant, or use the Dustbuster to sweep, or whatever else might need done.  He can help in lots of ways.  He loves this!  He loves feeling like he's helping.  Usually this takes us to time to go get Snip from school.  If it's nice outside, we walk over to get him, if not it's a quick drive! Oh, and I forgot to add that Snail has a snack at 10:30.  If it's nice and we walk over to get Snip, we usually stop and play in our neighbor's treehouse on the way home.  We also look for things on our walk to collect and use later for crafts.

12:15 ~ Lunch
             I let the kids pick what they want to eat for the most part, my discretion, of course.  Snip and Snail sit down and eat lunch while I play with the Puppy. By the way, lunch can be a fun time!  The boys love to have a picnic lunch, which is really just summer table cloth on the floor, or eat in a tent, or at a different table, etc.  Every once in a while I conjure up some fun and creative food, but not often.  Most of the time they help me make their lunch.  Good to teach them to follow directions and they eat things they sometimes may not if they have a hand in making it! :)

one of our picnic lunches in the living room

1:00 - 2:00  After lunch, it's rest time for the boys.  Snail and the Puppy sleep (Puppy usually sleeps about 3 hours, Snail about 1) and Snip rests on the couch with a toonie.  This is when I usually eat some kind of lunch and sit down to find crafts and activities to do, and, most recently, BLOG!!  Showering for me usually happens at this time, too!

2:00 - 3:00 Activity for the older boys and I while the Puppy is sleeping.  Painting, crafting, reading, music, etc.  This is usually where the books come in, or a holiday or season, or whatever.  Today they are going to help me make colorful clothes pins using scrap paper to hang their artwork in the office.  And of course, there's PINTEREST!!! I can't tell you the world that PINTEREST has opened up for me!  It leads you to soooo many resources and ideas!  Anyway, we usually take about an hour to "craft".  Then it's kid time from about 3-5.  They play together in the playroom, living room, if it's not too cold or rainy/snowy, I move the car to the driveway and they can ride their bikes in the garage.  Anyway, this is their time.  I do more chores at this time, or blog, or start prepping dinner.  The Puppy gets up around 3:30-4, so he eats again and then plays with his brothers.  Oh, and afternoon snack is at 2:30-ish.

And that's our day.  Again, the time is really just to show you routine....it's never to the minute or even the half hour.  And keep in mind, there are often time-outs and temper tantrums, etc. going on throughout all of this...and diaper changes, and bottles, and running to the post office, or store, etc.  While our days are always different, I generally follow this routine.  By the way, here's the activity we're doing tomorrow...I can't get it to rotate, so it's sideways, but we're coloring an American flag and playing BINGO.
Let me leave you with this...as a woman, I feel that it's my responsibility to vote.  Many years ago, women left their families, that went to jail, they went without eating, without seeing their babies, so that future women in this country could vote.  So, just think about that.  Even if you're not 100% sure who you'll vote for going in, go.  And go with whatever your gut or your heart is saying.  Those women fought for us, so I'll be voting, and telling my boys all about it!  '
Bye for now.....

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