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by - 11:20 AM

I love blogging.  I do, however, hate that I have so much to say and so many ideas of things to write about and no time to do it!  So, for now, here are some things I'm currently obsessed with! And I'm keeping a list of things to blog about later!

1.  the band "fun."  I am completely obsessed.  It started with the song "Some Nights".  I liked the song, it was catchy, I thought they sounded a bit like Queen.  Then I saw the video.  Liked them even more.  Then, Shazam-ed them to get the lyrics to "Some Nights" and it made me think of a good friend who is struggling a bit since he's been back from Iraq.  Loved them even more.  Decided to buy the album on Itunes, listened to it once, fell in love with every single song.  Snip, my little music guy, is loving them, too....Carry On is his favorite song.

2.  color.  Particularly mustard yellow, grey, Tiffany blue, salmon, and purple.  I don't know what has sparked this recent obsession.  My closet consisted mostly of black and grey before.  Now, the black section (yes my closet is organized like the rainbow) is getting smaller and the colors are getting bigger.

recently purchased this mustard cardigan and purple scarf...  <3
3.  mocha nut fudge k-cups.  Does this really need explanation?  I love my coffee, and this is a fantastic one.  I'm looking for ideas for "Christmas" flavors, but have been unsuccessful.  I may have to just go ahead and get my peppermint mocha creamer.

4.  keds slippers.  It's getting chillier and with lots of hardwoods, I need comfy slippers...I heart them.

5.  My wire/clothespin art display area that the boys and I made in the office.  I thought 6 clothes pins would be enough for each boy (each has a side) but now I want these all over my house!!!  Since we do crafts/paint/color almost daily, I'm sure I could fill 100 clothes pins!!  The first picture is Snips side of the display and some of his most recent artwork.  The second picture is one of Snail's clothespins.  Snip and Snail helped me choose scrap paper, we "drew" hot glue lines on the back of the paper, they pressed their clothespins onto the glue, and then I used an exacto-knife to carefully cut around the pin once they were dry.  I plan to make lots more of these with the extra scraps of paper I have and being that you can buy clothespins so for pennies.  I just need to find more ways to use them! 
6.  Pinterest.  I have obsessed with Pinterest since the day I discovered it, but I find myself even more obsessed with it as the holidays approach.  I've been looking for and finding tons of crafts and activities for our family to do as well as lots of decorating ideas.  I'm working on two projects right now and neither one has anything to do with holidays, but both were inspired by Pinterest.  Here's a little peek at what I'm working on right now!  Can't wait to have both finished so I can show you!!!

7.  Amazon.  I have very little time to go shopping, and even if I did, unfortunately we don't have a plethora of places to shop around here.  I find so many things that I like online, and then try Amazon because 1) it's never let me down! 2) it's usually cheaper.  I DO NOT do the whole Black Friday thing.  I hate crowds, not a big fan of shopping, and there's really not a deal out there worth the craziness to me.  I would FOR SURE be the crazy lady on the news who slammed someone with her cart because they got to the last Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.  I think last year we did 95% of our Christmas shopping online.  Already got all my stocking stuffers at Wally World, so it's mostly online stuff from here on out!

8.  DIYI'm not-so-good at DIY, but I'm trying and learning.  I am really proud of myself for actually starting a project and finishing it.  Our office!  It inspired me to facelift a few other rooms in our house.  I want to re-do our laundry "room" and our master bath (someday!) and The Big Dog is getting a bar for Christmas, so our "Steeler Man Cave" will be getting some work soon.  But, next on the list is Snail's room.  We finally ordered his "biggie boy" bedroom suit this past weekend, and per his obsession with Batman, Santa is bringing him all of the things to make his Batman room complete. 
Here's the link to the bedding Santa is bringing.  He's getting the sheets, pillowcase and sham, and the patchwork comforter.  He's also getting the Batman signal light.  I am NOT a big fan of character things like clothes and bedding, so this set was perfect because he'll love the sheets and pillowcase, but the comforter can grow with him and he can have it forever.  We're doing navy on the bottom part of his walls, under the chair rail, the chair rail in yellow (for now) and grey on the top.  The Big Dog is off next Wed-Sun. so we'll be painting next week!  Yay!  Here's the link.


Ok.  So, those are my current obsessions.  There are many, many more, but I won't bore you right now!   Instead, here's a section of my blog that I'm going to call "That's what little boys are made of..."....it's kind of like a "what's been going on at our house lately" section.  You know.  To go along with the "Snip, Snail, and Puppy" ?  So here it is.

~ That's what little boys are made of ~

On Sunday, Snip had a little adventure.  He was running through my parents' living room, tripped over Pappy's foot, and flew through the air landing the left side of his face on Puppy's car seat.  Pappy called me immediately, and we went right down.  All Snip wanted was me.  Hope that never changes when he's hurting.  Here's my Snip's first shiner....first of a few, I'm sure!

Day 2

Day 3


The other day, a friend of mine, Slacker Mom, asked followers to share ways in which they know they are a good mom.  I think one of my best "MOM traits" is staying calm.  I can be dramatic about a lot of stuff...um, ok, most stuff, but my kids getting hurt is not one of them.  From the day the were born, I've been a firm believer in calm, quiet voice, and reassurance that everything is fine (even when sometimes you're screaming inside and scared to death!).  If you flip, so will they, and most times that makes whatever is wrong even worse.  So, to borrow from Slacker Mom, what's your best "MOM trait?"  Think about it...I'd love to know what you think!  Comment!!

Snail has been really into painting lately.  Yesterday he wanted to paint a Batman.  He chose the colors.  He wanted grey, blue, black, and yellow.  We didn't have grey, so we mixed black and white.  We hung it up to dry yesterday, and today we cut a Batman mask from it.
And of course his favorite thing to do is play with his superheroes.  So for a little twist, and something different, he took his superheroes for a swim today in the powder room sink.

As for the Puppy, I can't believe how quickly he's growing.  He started crawling at Halloween, and already he's pulling himself up and cruising.  He discovered the dryer on Monday.
Neither Snip nor Snail could do this at 7 months.  I thought I had at least 2 more months of Puppy being semi-confined to the floor or his exersaucer and Johnny Jump-Up!  This is my most UNfavorite stage.  You have to put everything up, constantly watch for small objects that can be "eaten", make sure doors are shut, etc. You also have to watch for corners, edges, tables, etc.  It's particularly hard this time around because Snip and Snail have toys that are small and are between the basement and main floor constantly, leaving the door open.  It's rough on them learning to Puppy proof the house!Also, we have a "step" that goes across our living room, separating it from the hardwoods which begin the eating area and kitchen.  My take on this huge step is that I'm gonna let him figure it out on his own.  The older two figured it out, and he needs to as well.  Meaning, I am not helping him up onto the step, or helping him down.  If he has to fall a couple of times, so be it.  He's falling maybe 5 inches onto soft carpet, and it's usually more of a "roll" than a fall.  Again, there's that calmness coming out! 
Puppy also popped out his 4th tooth this week.  Just like Snip and Snail, he cut a "fang" on the top left.  Our ped. says the other three front teeth are not far behind.  He's been a trooper so far, though!
Well, considering I've been trying to get this posted for 3 days, maybe I should end here. Can't wait to tackle my next topic!
Bye for now!

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