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What's YOUR excuse?

by - 11:40 AM

          Ok, seriously.  Probably going to get some backlash here, but oh well.  Once again,  it's my blog, and I'll write what I want to.  So, here goes.

Anyone see this controversial picture yesterday?

So, it kinda made me want to puke, but I wasn't going to say anything.  But then Kim Kardashian posts this obnoxious "post-baby" body...

  (Sorry, I tried to make is smaller, really, but wouldn't let me.  I guess we need to see the biggest version possible.)  I mean, is that real?  Forget about her baby belly (which she obviously didn't want us to see) and  just look at her ass.  I mean, REALLY?  I seriously want to vomit.  Hmm...where to start.  #1, I would hate it if my body looked like hers.  She looks so out of proportion.  Is she gorgeous? Hell ya.  But her body?  No thanks, you can have it.  It really worries me if young girls look to her as a role model for a body.  I mean, the girl says it's real, so we'll give her that, and in my experience, the booty does get a little bigger with each baby (God, please help her if she has more babies!) but really?  I mean, that's fine, people come in all shapes and sizes, but it looks...well, uncomfortable.  I can't imagine sitting on that.

#2, yesterday's mom...you look wonderful.  Congratulations.  Is that why you posted that?  For attention?  You look fabulous, and God bless you if you seriously have the time to work out as much as you do with three kids.  I do not.  And before you start thinking, "Oh, but you can MAKE time."  Sure.  I can make time for things.  I just choose to make that time to be spent with my family or to be creative, like in photography.  I have many hobbies that come second to my family, and yes, by choice, working out isn't one.  Could I be working out RIGHT NOW?  Sure.  And maybe the day that I figure out how to edit photos while running or being on the elliptical, I'll start working out.  But you need a super steady hand to edit the way I do, and running or sometimes even breathing, isn't an option. I guess I could be writing on my blog while running on the elliptical.  But really? Again, not realistic. And yep, I'd rather blog.  I love, love, love to write, so I do what I love.  Maybe the day I can go run around the track while calling the parents in Snip's class to organize the Fall Party, all the while writing down what everyone's bringing, etc, I will.  Right now, I just can't do that! Yes, I'm a stay-at-home-mom, but that's another story. I'm more busy now than I ever was when I worked.  My kids are older, involved in things, and I'm involved in their schools.

So...Should I work out more?  HELL to the YES.  Please, if you know me, you know I need to and should.  That's soooo not what this is about. I'm not writing this to encourage laziness or say that working out is ridiculous or time poorly spent...on the contrary.  I should, need to, must (someday soon!).  Unfortunately I was born with crappy genes and a brain that hates every single thing about exercise!  Nope, not an excuse, a fact right there.  I HATE EXERCISING.  There is something to be said for genetics.  I don't know a whole lot about them, but I do know that some people can eat their weight in french fries and cheeseburgers, never work out, and still be teeny tiny.  I know, because I've seen this.  I also know that if I happen to have an ice cream cone on Friday afternoon, I'll weigh two pounds more the next morning.  It's really awesome.  I can gain and lose 5 lbs in a day or two.  Welcome to my life.  My family eats fairly healthy.  Fruits, veggies, boneless/skinless chicken, whole wheat, not really a whole lot of sugar, etc.  We rarely eat candy (though, did you all see the thing about Oreos being more addictive than crack?  Well, ok, then, there's my problem!) or cakes, and almost never eat ice cream.  My hubby works out every single day, sometimes twice, and he works out hard.  Our genes kind of suck, and while it's not an excuse, it's just fact.  It does work against me, and I don't work to change it, so there.

There are my "excuses".  I hate exercise, I love experimenting and exploring food, and my hobbies and the things that I am good at do not really involve a workout dvd or an elliptical (otherwise known to me as "satan").  Do I wish my baby belly was gone and that my arms didn't flap when I wave?  Sure...who in that position doesn't?  But I'm not going to get down on myself.  I'm healthy, comfortable, happy, and content with my life.  I enjoy doing the above-mentioned things.  I don't look in the mirror and say "ew." or "wow, when did that happen?"  (well, that's a tiny lie...the first time I went shopping at TJ Maxx after the Puppy was born, it was maybe a month or so after he was born, I vividly remember walking past a full-length mirror and then stopping and slowly backing up.  Where did THAT booty come from???  So it's not firm and solid like a rock, but it's cute!)   Nope, usually the words that come out of my mouth when I actually get to get dressed up are..."I look pretty damned good for a 35-year-old mom of three kids under 6!"  And if you think I'm kidding, ask the Big Dog.  I get outside and "play", but it usually involves throwing and catching a ball, pushing a bike, Cozy Coupe, or stroller.  I don't run.  I hate it.  I am not a burden on society with a million things wrong with me due to my weight or "unhealthy" body making your premiums go up...hmmm....I'm not going there, I'm really not, I promise!!  Unlike Kim, I guess I don't need to post selfies in a barely-there bathing suit to feel that I am good enough to be accepted by the world, or prove to the haters out there that I can work out for however many hours she did??  when she was away from her baby???  to get that body, that quite frankly, just looks weird. I'm not naive and and unaware and uneducated.  I know I could be "more healthy" (I guess, because so far, I haven't had anything wrong with me?) and more "in shape" and more "tone", and wearing a smaller size, etc.  And not that having three babies is an excuse, but I've had three babies.  In 5 years.  I have had another human being inside my body for approx. 27 months of the last 6 years or so.  And yep, that does something to your body.  And when you don't have a personal trainer, or choose to be on the elliptical or working out in front of the television or running outside or whatever, some of that is going to stick around.  I'm one size away from where I was in 2007, but my body is wwwwaaaayyy different, and will never, no matter what I do, be the same.  I'm ok with that....I traded three gorgeous boys for one size, so I'm ok with that.  I was never in my entire life small....Oh, wait, I was a size 8 (still not small, but family and friends said I almost looked sickly) when I got married.  That lasted about a week!  And that was really only because I had strep throat and COULDN'T eat.

Me in 2005 trying on my wedding dress.  Showing off my "Buff Brides" arms.  128 lbs....WHAT???

By the way, my "exercise" today has been running around a house getting two kids ready for school, another just ready for the day, getting their breakfast, getting them out the door (I really worked my voicebox today trying to reassure Snip that getting a flu shot today will really be ok.), running around the mall, running through the rain to pick up Snail from school, and my lips got the MOST workout by kissing the Puppy on my lap right now about 600 times.  I have eaten a banana and had a cup of coffee.

And WHY do I feel the need to justify all of this?  More mature people would probably just blow it off, say it's not worth it, but I guess I'm not very mature and people like this mom just annoy me.  And apparently I'm not the only one.  Here's what some other women had to say on Hoda and Kathie Lee's Facebook page.

Hoda said, "I think there are lots of examples of people that look great, but there's something about the tone (of her "voice" in what she said, not the tone of her body), and showing the body, that grosses me out,"

Another woman said this,

"Women who have children are always proud of their children and put them in the forefront as their best accomplishment. It seems vain to place herself and her body as the main subject and her boys so small and on the floor."

...hmmm....funny, I was thinking the same thing.  Those poor kids.  And another had this to say,

"I know Moms that have bodys like hers , but they don't go posting pics of themselves saying , Hey look at me! And they don't work at a fitness club. Really she needs to get over herself. lol".  

Yep.  I agree.  And lastly, this is my favorite one, because I think this was running through my head as I read it....

"I think the whole "What's your excuse" heading is what really has people upset. Some people just can't bounce back to their pre-pregnancy bodies like others can. Does that mean that they are making excuses for themselves? Absolutely not. And also - there are many mothers out there that would rather have the precious hours of time with their babies and children than spending hours at a gym multiple times a day. She is getting exactly what she wants - the national attention to boost her business."

Uh-huh.  But what the heck is Kim's excuse?  Low self-esteen?  That would explain a lot.  Poor baby North.

Of course there were about as many people who said that this mom is awesome, that she was right and for women to stop making excuses.  Whatev.  You're entitled to your opinion!

OK, all that being said, my friends who are super in shape...you know who you are...I admire you for being you...for being athletic and enjoying working out, challenging yourself to beat that time, making it a priority in your life, etc.  So PLEASE, don't get me wrong.  I'm not like that.  I don't judge.  If you know me, you know that.  I have friends who are record-setting athletes.  They were born with a love, a want, for being active and working out.  I remember trying SO hard to play basketball in jr. high only to have to coach look at me and literally say "WHAT are you DO-ing?" And then there was volleyball.  I tried, I really did.  But I was much more successful (and happy) dancing across a stage singing, or sitting at a piano for two hours a day being utterly taken away fulfilled by the music coming out of it from my fingers.

The reason I wrote this was not to bash those who do work out, work hard at it and have amazing bodies you could bounce a quarter off of...no, not at all.  It's more to say that there's more than one way to be beautiful...and just because it's not Kim Kardashian's beautiful or this "What's Your Excuse" mom, it's whatever you want it to be.  Be healthy and be happy with yourself.  If you're not, change it.  Don't complain, don't whine, and don't make excuses.  I'm happy with who I am...if I had daughters, I'd be conveying the same message to them...to live life and do what makes you happy...don't use your precious time to kill yourself to look like Kim.  Or no "No-Excuse-Mom".  Nope.  Be healthy and happy, and if playing a piano all day is what makes you happy, do it. And do it well.  Do it better than you do anything else.   Be sure to be healthy...don't stuff Oreos in your mouth between measures, but enjoy it and don't be thinking in the back of your mind, "I really should be on that elliptical right now instead of truly being moved by this music."  Nope.  Set your own goals and do your best to reach them....whether it's running a 5K, losing 20 lbs., making the team, beating a record, playing that piece with not one mistake, or without looking at the music once.  If your goal is to be healthy, to be in the best shape of your life...best of luck to you and I hope you achieve your goal....it's just not mine, and don't try to make me feel guilty about it.  I'm happy with me the way I am right now.

Me, today, October 17, 2013...3 beautiful boys and 30 lbs later.  158 lbs.  What?  I told you how much I weigh.  Yep.  I did.
Just happened to take this pic today as I was trying on dresses for a friend's wedding...my BFF and I have to send pics to each other for opinions, you know. Anyway, look at those curves...and look at that Puppy in the stroller....yep.  I'll take it.

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