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Whyd didn't I think of this before!?!?

by - 11:04 AM

I recently came across this idea on Pinterest and I really can't believe I didn't think of this before!  I can't tell you how many candle jars I've thrown away!  Dumb, dumb, dumb!!  So I decided to try the method where you put the candle in the freezer and remove the wax that way.   I decided to try first with an old peach candle that I had.  It worked!  I had to use a butter knife to break the frozen wax because the opening is smaller than the jar, but that just took a second.  All that was left was where the wick was stuck to the jar.

I could have worked at it to get it out, but I knew I'd be covering it up, so I didn't bother.  I don't know if you could ever use these jars to put any kind of food or candy in because mine still really strongly smells of peaches.  However, I saw a link to snow globes that we're made by Anthropologie and I thought I could easily make something similar from my old Yankee candle jar.  Also, as you know, I don't have a lot of Valentine's Day decor, so I thought, why not?  I have a ridiculous amount of sugar in my house because every time I decide to bake (which is not often) I forget that I already have a ton of sugar, so I usually end up getting more and I don't need it.  So I got some of my unending supply of sugar and poured some into the jar.

I happened to have strawberry and cinnamon tick tacks, so I threw a few of those in.

I grabbed a piece of pink scrap book paper and cut a larger heart out of it. Then I used some foam sticker hearts to randomly place around.

Done!  Cute, easy, fun!  Something to add to my little Valentine's Day table. 

 Don't worry, I have two old jars in the freezer right now getting ready to become Snip and Snail's little globes that they can decorate however they wish!!  Imagine the possibilities!!

I'll leave you with a few pics of Snip and the Puppy playing with their colanders, pots, pans, and pipe cleaners this morning.  They made spaghetti and baseballs meatballs for me.  Yum!!!

Bye for now!

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