It's been a long time coming....
If I could be totally selfish for one second, and wish for one thing for myself, just me, not for the Snip, the Snail, or the Puppy, the Big Dog, not for my friends, family, just for me, it would be that I could sit down and blog every single night. I have so much to say, so many things on my mind, so much I want people to be aware of, so many things to share, so many things I want to learn. That's why I'm on FB so much in case you're one of those people who gets annoyed by my many posts, pictures, shares, etc. (not to mention that I spend a LOT of time editing the pictures from my photo shoots during the day and I just keep FB up in the background so it beeps every time I get a notification) I just do things, or see things, or hear things, or try things, get annoyed by things, cry over things, and I just feel like there is someone somewhere who will appreciate or understand or empathize with what I have to say....or maybe explain to me what I don't understand. I don't know, maybe THAT'S selfish. Who really cares what I have to say? I don't know, maybe someone. I know that I read blogs, or FB posts, or things others have shared, and I think "That's what I've been trying to say!" but then someone else says it for me, says it better, much more classy, eloquent, appropriate way, a way basically much nicer than the way that was going through my brain. Here are some of the things that I have been thinking about or wonder about, want to scream about or cry about, and some, I know nothing about!!!
- same-sex marriage (obviously this has been a hot topic lately)
- public education (especially standardized testing)
- being a mom in 2013 (this includes a million different things like working, staying at home, good and bads about technology with and around kids, guilt, joy, etc.....I could probably write about being a mom every single day!)
- those parts about being a mom that you think no one experiences but you...when really? every mother ever has experienced this!
- being a wife
- living in a distressed area
- friends
- mental illness/depression/anxiety
- acceptance, understanding, empathy
- babies (especially mine!)
- food these days, especially feeding our children
- um, North Korea?? cause what's up with that?
- the epidemic of entitlement we are building in this generation
- lifting each other, not putting each other down
- Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
My mind swirls with these things and others constantly. I find myself writing in my head, and jotting it down somewhere. I read things and want to respond, but my responses end up being so very long, I just delete them because I know for sure people will roll their eyes and skip through it. I'll get to these things and what I'm thinking. I really will. I've got strong views on things. I have strong opinions. I come off bitchy to some, but I have learned to not care about that. Because if you know me well, you also know that while I hold strong opinions, I also am open-minded and try to be understanding, sympathetic, accepting, open etc. because it's certainly not my place to judge or put others down. That last little bullet up there? It's been my mantra lately. For God's sake, people, no matter what your beliefs are, God, no God, by the Bible, what's the Bible? religion, no religion....bottom line is, I couldn't care less what your views are on things. I didn't hand-pick my friends based on their beliefs and views. Granted similar beliefs and views brought some of my friends into my life, but having different views would never cause me to delete someone from my life. Unless, of course, you constantly throw your different views in my face and try to make me or others feel like your views are the ONLY views, the right views, the better views. There's a big difference between sharing, educating, and bringing awareness, and constantly pushing what you believe onto others. And often times it's in the way you say it! I'm not saying I say what I think perfectly (see first paragraph), but I do try. And I think things through...who all might read this? Is it going to offend someone? How might someone read this differently than how I mean for it to come off? Often times on Facebook, many times, I just keep my mouth shut (which is a very difficult thing for me to do!) because it's really not the place to share my political beliefs, view on guns, religion, etc, However, here, well, you chose to come here. So you can also choose to leave if you hate what I have to say! I'd appreciate it if you'd stay, though, because what I'm getting at is that we all are different and think differently. We have loads of life experiences that influence our beliefs, morals, and values. You may not know or understand why a person believes something, but their belief comes from an may be something that happened to them, or their upbringing...point is, you don't know. Being different is wonderful. Learning from each other, hearing why and how we do things differently is so important to me. I love hearing how people live and do things differently than I doesn't mean I'm going to start doing things their way, but I might try! And it's still fun to hear. And my bottom line is that, when you look at the big picture, when you look at what happened in Boston, in Newtown, shouldn't we be
- We're all different. But we're all the same. We all bleed red.
- We all have different life experiences.
- I'm not shitting rainbows.
- I'm not riding unicorns.
- I DO believe in lifting each other, sharing with each other, crying with each other, learning from each other, empathizing, and being there for each other. Even if it's just to listen. Be QUIET AND
- I don't like removing people from my weighs on me for a very long time. But, I made a commitment to myself a long time ago to try to keep negativity from my life. I have to think about my state of mind, first, unfortunately. I've learned that when I'm stressed, worried, feeling like I'm not good enough, it's not good for my marriage and for my role as MOM. (which is top priority)
I came across this pin the other day and I HAD to share it! My little Snail is 3, he'll be 4 in August and he's really taken an interest in letters and numbers lately. So while I already have like 5 million sets of flash cards, I found these on Pinterest and there's a link to the PDF file and yep! You can print them! For FREE!! No hitches, I promise! And they are SUPER cute!! I love when people share their awesome stuff for FREE! I'm printing these for him and laminating and cutting them so we can start slowly practicing our letters! Here's the link.
flash cards
I picked #12, and I know that it works. Honestly I haven't tried any of the other ones.
I also tried this dinner the other night
slow cooker lasagna
It was AWESOME!!!!
I also wanted to share this recipe with you, since it is mostly kid-friendly. My kids LOVE this and it's yummy and full of veggies. It's called Lattice Top Chicken
Lattice Top Chicken
1 can (10 3/4 oz) condensed cream of potato soup
1 cup milk
1/2 tsp. season salt
2 cups cubes or shredded cooked chicken
1 bag frozen California style veggies (this is the broc./caul./carrots, but I'm sure you could sub.)
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (of course, I use more than a cup!)
1 can French Fried Onions (like the ones that go on top of the green bean casserole)
1 package of crescent rolls
Combine soup, milk, seasoned salt, chicken, veggies,
My family LOVES yummy!
And now it's time for.....
There's been so much going on with the boys lately!
The Puppy turned 1 on April 5. I'll blog his party some other time. He's walking and running, into everything, very happy, but not talking a whole lot. I have to remember that the Snip was a freakishly early talker, and Snail wasn't much behind him, so I know it's normal, but you still constantly wonder when you're a mom!
Snip has his last soccer practice tonight. Having a kid in a sport is a whole different blog. It's definitely taken some getting used to. We started games last Thursday. I was super excited to buy my Mumma gear (sweatshirts and T's). The Big Dog is coaching his team, and let's just say that's been a learning experience. But I love seeing him in that role. He's so good at it. And seeing him bust his butt the other nights of the week to be able to get home to coach practices means a lot to me. Snip likes it. I don't think he's going to be our athlete (I think that's going to be Snail's thing) but he seems to enjoy it and have fun. He ran his little butt off and assisted a lot, but no goals. At least not for his team. He may or may not have scored two goals for the other team.
Snail is just my sweet boy....I finally finished his bedroom, except for his curtains because in all of this time, I still can't make a decision on the fabric. Some day I will. Currently, his obsession is being a ninja. Cause he really thinks he is one.
I do have a few new obsessions to share with you!
2. TV: Hannibal (Hugh Dancy is dreamy)
3. BOOK: Audiobooks on Itunes. I love this. I never thought I would enjoy audiobooks, but I am loving being able to "read" a book in my car!
4. Learning about Highly Sensitive People (since I recently discovered that I am one!)
5. Yoga. That's an entirely new post.
6. Wanting to write a book. I want to write a book on all of the eye-opening experiences I have had just by listening to other women, other moms. I feel really lucky to have so many friends who are moms and know so many other moms who've shared their experiences with me...truthfully. All the stuff. The stuff where they've screwed up, wanted to scream, cried their eyes out, etc. Also, the hilarious, hilarious stories we've told each the point of laughing through our tears. I want to write a book like that because I know, I KNOW that there are women - MOMS - out there who feel disconnect, who don't get to talk to other moms, other women, and share like I do. I know I'm blessed with the women in my life. I want to share that!
I'll leave you with two recent pics of the boys....
This was one evening when we walked over to our church, got take out spaghetti from Snip's school's spaghetti dinner, and walked back home, had a spaghetti picnic dinner, then a movie night on the living room floor complete with air mattress and popcorn.
I LOVE this picture of Puppy....he LOVES swinging. He giggles, giggles, giggles the whole time. I love how his hair is flying out around his head and the look of pure elation on his face! And the top one of Snip and Snail...well, my heart is so full...I love those three more than words can possibly ever express.
Bye for now....