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Diapering that ridiculously cute butt....

by - 12:34 PM

Diapering that ridiculously cute butt.
10-month-old Puppy butt

So, when it comes to buying disposable diapers or using cloth diapers and/or a diaper service, it's a completely personal choice.  There are goods and bads about both of them.  Our family chose to use disposable diapers for all three of our children.  The cloth diapers are super cute and sure, good for the environment (but wait, see later), but I just did not have the time (before as a working mom of one, then two), and then just being a mom of three, I felt like my time was better utilized in other ways.  I'm sure there are great benefits to the environment and all that stuff, but I read somewhere that the water you use to clean the cloth diapers and the energy used to run that water has just as negative effects on the environment, so that was enough for me to hear.  Obviously disposable are easier, but please don't feel or let anyone make you feel like you're doing something wrong by using them.  Like I said, it's a personal choice, and you do what works for your family.  I also did not have the money at the time to add a diaper service, which I'm sure would make a difference.

So, if you chose disposables, I can help!  If cloth, again, you'll need to look elsewhere!

Choosing the right diaper may take some trial and error.  I have tried and used all different kinds.  The ones I have found to be tried and true and the ones that I rely on are PAMPERS.  Now, I have heard all kinds of things about different diapers.  I have heard that some brands work better for girls, some are better for boys.  Some diapers are better during the day, some better at night.  Well, in my experience, with three boys, the Pampers are great.  I prefer the CRUISERS when they get a little bigger, but for when they're tiny, I just don't think it gets better than the little PAMPERS SWADDLERS. 
Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Super Pack - Newborn - 96 Ct - Procter & Gamble  - Babies"R"Us
They are so soft, and I believe that now (they didn't have this when Snip was a baby but did for Snail and Puppy) they have the yellow strip on the front of them up through size 2.  For new moms, this is fantastic!  This yellow strip turns blue when your little one has peed.  So, I guess it's nice because it takes the guess work out of it!  

I really don't think I ever had a diaper blowout or leak-all-over-the-bed once when the two older boys were babies.  Now that Puppy is a bit older, he's had a few blowouts, something that's new for me, but they've only been when he's having tummy issues.  Only had a leak-all-over-the-crib diaper maybe two or three times in the last 14 months.

TIP***  Don't buy a bunch of NEWBORN diapers.  Babies grow so fast at first (sigh) and are into the #1's before you can blink.  In fact, I'd go with buying a box at a time.  With each boy (except my last because I had learned) we had so many extra newborn diapers to give away. Not a huge deal, but money wasted.

Huggies Natural Care Baby Wipes - 448CT - Kimberly Clark Corp.  - Babies"R"UsI'm going to go the opposite way here for wipes.  I love the HUGGIES NATURAL CARE WIPES.  In my experience, their wipes are just the best.  I like their travel size, and we get the big boxes and refill our "box" in Puppy's room when we run out. 

Now, here's a big controversial question.  Wipes warmer? Or not.  I will say that a friend had told me a wipes warmer was a "must have" when I was pregnant with Snip.  So, of course we registered for one, and we used one all through Snip and Snail being babies.  I do really like them.  Some people say they're ridiculous and dumb, but I always looked at it this way.  Would I like an ice cold wipe all over my butt in the middle of the night?  Yep.  That would be sure to wake me right up.  So, we used a warmer and yes, it's nice to have, but certainly NOT something you need.  We used it until the Puppy was about 1, and now, like I said, we just fill up his plastic wipes container and use that.
Diaper Genie Elite Advanced Diaper Disposal System - Playtex  - Babies"R"Us 

Again, this is not a "must have", though I don't think I would want to go without one.  Once, I didn't realize I had forgotten to tie the bottom of ours, and I can't even explain the smell!  :)  So, if you're doing disposable, you may want to think of one.  I like the DIAPER GENIE ELITE.  It's very easy to use. 

As I said in my last post, in my experience, VITAMIN A and D works just as well, if not better than any diaper cream or butt paste out there.  However, again, from my experience, Desitin doesn't really work very well.  It just makes a big white mess.

***Tip: I'm not really sure why they call baby powder baby powder, because I have been told by every doctor and pediatrician that I've ever seen to not put baby powder on a baby's butt.  Just keep it clean!  :)

Well, I think that covers the baby's butt.  Literally.  Again, if there's anything I missed, please comment below, or if you have tips on cloth diapering, add below since I know nothing about it!  :)  Tomorrow I'm going to look at clothing and blankets!

And I can't leave today without sharing recent pics of my Snip and Snail the other day before they went to watch some golf with the Big Dog.  I can't stand how big they look here and how gorgeous they are....Can't believe it's been almost 6 years since I was cleaning a newborn Snip's bum.

~~~Bye for now ~~

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