Everyone says to start out your blog with a little information about yourself. Well, not that I am that interesting of a person, and not that anyone in this world cares what I have to say, but here goes - A few things about me and why I decided to start blogging it all....
1~. I'm 34 years old. I don't feel old and I don't worry about getting older. Age is relative. I don't feel any different than I did, say 10 years ago, in my mind anyway. My body is a different story. I could stand to lose about 25 lbs. However, I don't "exercise" (unless you count power walking to pick up my oldest from preschool and chasing a 5-year old, 3-year-old and 5-month-old around) and I don't really watch what I eat like a hawk. Here's where I stand with food. I love it. I could eat sour cream on everything and anything...same goes for cheese. I am not obese, by any means. I enjoy cooking and eating new things. I'm not going to be miserable missing out on yummy stuff. I'm not trying to impress anyone! I am comfortable in my skin, healthy, and I love to cook and and make things with my kids (more on them later) and I don't want to have to feel guilty over tasting one of my oldest's Happy Day treats (more on that later). Sidenote: I don't bake, and when I try, I usually burn.
2~. I just started a new job ~ Stay at Home Mom (SAHM for future reference). I don't consider it a "job" exactly, as my last job was stressful, took time away from my family, I got paid for it, etc. (more on that job later). Taking this job is the best decision I have ever made, except marrying my husband (more on him later). It's been an adjustment, but finally, 3 months after officially taking the job, I'm feeling that we're getting into the swing of things.
3~. Some things that are important to me: God. I just recently, as of a few days ago, had one of those "lightbulb moments". I was meeting with our new pastor at the church we'll be joining soon, and he said something that brought it all together for me, and I'm talking about bringing my childhood and my 34-year-old-self together in an amazing moment. It was like "bang!" and I coudln't believe I hadn't seen it earlier. My family comes next, and when I say family, I don't just mean my three boys, my husband, my parents, my brother and his family, my husband's parents, etc., I also mean my girls...my friends. Because there is this group of girls who are my friends, have been my friends forever and we've all worked really hard to keep our friendships strong...as strong as family.
4~. Remember my old job? I was a teacher. Of 5th graders. I also have a masters degree in literacy and I'm a certified Reading Specialist. This past summer I resigned from the job that I worked my butt off for. Let me first say, I loved teaching. I loved it so much. I know that it was what I was meant to do...other than being a mom. I was really good at it. However, teaching is changing. And frankly, I didn't like or believe in the direction that it was heading. I believe in teaching kids in a way that they best learn. And right now, and not by our choice, we are only teaching for kids to pass a test. And I won't get into that now, (maybe I will later, maybe not!) but that was one big reason for me leaving. I couldn't continue to do something that I really no longer believed in. I hated having to apologize to parents for shoving information down a child's throat when they needed other help instead. Having my third little man just confirmed what my heart was telling me. And I was giving the best of myself to my students and my kids and husband were getting what was left over and it wasn't fair to them! Anyway, maybe more on that later...
5 ~ My threes boys are the reason for the title of this blog. "Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails...that's what little boys are made of." Well, my life revolves around boys.
My oldest (5) is the "Snip". He is my mini-me. I couldn't love him more, but he is me when I was small. He's stubborn, a perfectionist, and his mouth is terrible! He doesn't say inappropriate words, just back talk. (appropriate to call him "Snip") I ask my mom constantly how she put up with me and daily I want to reach back 30 years and shake me! However, he's also super sensitive, ridiculously smart, absolutely gorgeous, caring, God-loving, and hilarious. He's my musical guy, too. I think it's pretty cool when I've got a little man who can go from Gaga to Zac Brown to Jason Mraz to fun. and know every single word and appreciate it! His current favorite song is "Home" by Philip Philips. Someday I think he'll be an engineer of some sort because since he was old enough to notice, he's wanted to know exactly how everything works.
1~. I'm 34 years old. I don't feel old and I don't worry about getting older. Age is relative. I don't feel any different than I did, say 10 years ago, in my mind anyway. My body is a different story. I could stand to lose about 25 lbs. However, I don't "exercise" (unless you count power walking to pick up my oldest from preschool and chasing a 5-year old, 3-year-old and 5-month-old around) and I don't really watch what I eat like a hawk. Here's where I stand with food. I love it. I could eat sour cream on everything and anything...same goes for cheese. I am not obese, by any means. I enjoy cooking and eating new things. I'm not going to be miserable missing out on yummy stuff. I'm not trying to impress anyone! I am comfortable in my skin, healthy, and I love to cook and and make things with my kids (more on them later) and I don't want to have to feel guilty over tasting one of my oldest's Happy Day treats (more on that later). Sidenote: I don't bake, and when I try, I usually burn.
2~. I just started a new job ~ Stay at Home Mom (SAHM for future reference). I don't consider it a "job" exactly, as my last job was stressful, took time away from my family, I got paid for it, etc. (more on that job later). Taking this job is the best decision I have ever made, except marrying my husband (more on him later). It's been an adjustment, but finally, 3 months after officially taking the job, I'm feeling that we're getting into the swing of things.
3~. Some things that are important to me: God. I just recently, as of a few days ago, had one of those "lightbulb moments". I was meeting with our new pastor at the church we'll be joining soon, and he said something that brought it all together for me, and I'm talking about bringing my childhood and my 34-year-old-self together in an amazing moment. It was like "bang!" and I coudln't believe I hadn't seen it earlier. My family comes next, and when I say family, I don't just mean my three boys, my husband, my parents, my brother and his family, my husband's parents, etc., I also mean my girls...my friends. Because there is this group of girls who are my friends, have been my friends forever and we've all worked really hard to keep our friendships strong...as strong as family.
4~. Remember my old job? I was a teacher. Of 5th graders. I also have a masters degree in literacy and I'm a certified Reading Specialist. This past summer I resigned from the job that I worked my butt off for. Let me first say, I loved teaching. I loved it so much. I know that it was what I was meant to do...other than being a mom. I was really good at it. However, teaching is changing. And frankly, I didn't like or believe in the direction that it was heading. I believe in teaching kids in a way that they best learn. And right now, and not by our choice, we are only teaching for kids to pass a test. And I won't get into that now, (maybe I will later, maybe not!) but that was one big reason for me leaving. I couldn't continue to do something that I really no longer believed in. I hated having to apologize to parents for shoving information down a child's throat when they needed other help instead. Having my third little man just confirmed what my heart was telling me. And I was giving the best of myself to my students and my kids and husband were getting what was left over and it wasn't fair to them! Anyway, maybe more on that later...
5 ~ My threes boys are the reason for the title of this blog. "Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails...that's what little boys are made of." Well, my life revolves around boys.
My oldest (5) is the "Snip". He is my mini-me. I couldn't love him more, but he is me when I was small. He's stubborn, a perfectionist, and his mouth is terrible! He doesn't say inappropriate words, just back talk. (appropriate to call him "Snip") I ask my mom constantly how she put up with me and daily I want to reach back 30 years and shake me! However, he's also super sensitive, ridiculously smart, absolutely gorgeous, caring, God-loving, and hilarious. He's my musical guy, too. I think it's pretty cool when I've got a little man who can go from Gaga to Zac Brown to Jason Mraz to fun. and know every single word and appreciate it! His current favorite song is "Home" by Philip Philips. Someday I think he'll be an engineer of some sort because since he was old enough to notice, he's wanted to know exactly how everything works.
My middle one is the "Snail". No, he's not slow. Actually, when it comes to slow, Snip is more of a snail....takes him forever to do anything. But, the middle one, from now on "Snail", is my sweet boy. He's his dad's mini-me. He looks just like him and acts just like him. Where Snip and I are dramatic and sensitive and take everything personally and can sometimes (ugh) hold a grudge, Snail and his dad let everything just roll right off their backs. He's 3, and showing the true colors of a 3-year-old. His temper tantrums are full, cosmic events, but where Snip would pout for hours, Snail says he's sorry and moves right on. He's more athletic than Snip, and much more tough, but wouldn't hurt a fly. He also can't carry a tune. Just like his dad.
My last one, my baby boy...the "Puppy". He's just the perfect little baby. He's almost 7 months old. Where did THAT time go? I don't know if it's because I finally think I've got the hang of this "mom" thing down, or if he really IS that perfect of a speciman of human baby, but he is just simply gorgeous. He NEVER fusses. (uh, more on that later). He's been sleeping through the night since he was 6 weeks old. He never had cradle cap, or dry skin or a pimple. He's always happy, except sometimes when his brothers aren't around, because he truly loves them and misses them. So far, he's a clone of what Snip was as a baby, except that Snip always had to see and know what was going on. Puppy is content with jumping in his exersaucer or Johnny Jump-up, or just sitting on the floor with some toys and getting ready to crawl (any day). He still takes 3 naps a day...2 45 min. ones and 1 3-hour-ish one. He looks like his older brothers, yet different. He's definantly his own little man. Can't wait to see what he's like!
6~. My reason for starting this blog.
I don't really know if anyone will ever read this. It doesn't really matter to me. There are a few reasons for starting this blog. First, I am completely obsessed with writing things down that my boys say and do. I try to write down at least one thing every day on Puppy's calendar as I have done with my first two. It's really important to me. So, I thought, if I can "write" it down and also put a few pictures (which is another thing I'm completely obsessed with), that may take away the anxiety of not having a record somewhere of something they did. So, you'll see a lot of these three boys and the silly things they do if you come here for a visit.
Second, I have a big mouth and strong opinions. I started venting things on Facebook, and I'm sure that that is really not the place to do it, so I thought, maybe a blog would be a better place. We'll see. Sometimes it's really hard to keep my mouth shut. Sometimes that gets me in trouble, sometimes it's truly an asset. As a teacher, I stood up for the kids and was always in their corner no matter what. Also, as a friend of mine, you never have to wonder what I'm thinking, and if you ask me what I think, you know I'll be honest. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, so if you don't want to hear what I think...don't ask! I have strong opinions on politics, but I pretty much keep that to myself because I would just get into arguements and it's not worth it to me. I've been both a full-time-working Mommy (the most extreme case of chaos for me ever was when Snip was 11 months old, we bought and moved into our current home while I was teaching full-time, taking 2 classes a week towards my masters degree, and started my Practicum an hour away on the morning after we moved in. I had to barricade myself in the office and work while my husband, friends, and family moved us into this house. Looking back, crazy? Yes. But I survived.) So, I know what it's like to be a working Mommy, and now what it's like to be a SAHM to 3 boys under 5. Both are crazy, hectic, and exhausting, but in different ways.
Third, I have recently started projects and recipes and things I never could do when I was working full-time, and some of them have turned out really well and I want to SHARE them! I try something or read something and think "I want to SHARE this!" I am a wannabe photographer, crafter, chef, and baker (ha, as well as blogger), but I am also the Queen of unfinished projects. SO, we'll see how this goes.
Fourth, I've noticed in the past year or so more than ever, the need for women to connect and share. EVERYTHING. So yep, there might be things here that are a little TMI, for lack of a better word, but it's stuff that needs shared and said. I have found so many moms that seem scared or afraid to admit that they try to portray a perfect life, when inside they're screaming. I don't try to portray a perfect life, but I do try sometimes to seem like I have it all together when really, I don't!! Who does?!? So welcome, and this is my disclosure...anything goes!
This is my first post (that I started drafting in 2008 and had to completely revise...wow has my life changed!)....and it will later become the "About me" section...but for now it's my first post. You'll probably find a little bit of EVERYTHING here....it's not going to be all about one thing or the other. If you feel like you just wasted your precious time getting to know me, I thank you, and you don't have to come back. But, hopefully future posts will be a little more interesting and maybe some will even get you thinking! Bye for now....